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You’re just a phone call away
from becoming more organized, friend!


It’s our mission to create personalized and maintainable organization systems built to fit YOUR unique lifestyle, whether you’re local to Los Angeles or not!

Yes, you really can get organized on your own. But why not do it the RIGHT way by partnering with a team of professionals who will provide a detailed plan, written out instructions, and product wish list? No need to feel lost about where to start. We’ll outline it all for you!

Our team is happy to offer virtual organization services for busy people like you who want to make peace and find joy in your home, no matter where you live or what spaces need organizing.


Virtual Organizing is perfect for you if...

  • You want to get organized but aren’t local to Los Angeles

  • You’re busy & don’t know where to begin with organizing

  • You’re looking for quick results you can implement right away

  • You’d prefer to have hands-off guidance from a professional

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How it Works


Request a Complimentary Discovery Call

Complete and submit your request for a complimentary discovery call to find out if Virtual Organizing is the right fit for your project and your needs.


Video Phone Consultation & Space Walkthrough

Next, you and our team will schedule a 20-minute video consultation and space walkthrough so we can understand you, your space, and create a plan that will actually work for your needs.


Book Your Project!

If we both feel like virtual organizing is a good fit, then we’ll officially book your project with a written contract and 50% deposit.


Review Your Customized Organization Plan

After our virtual space walkthrough, our team will create a customized plan to get your space organized so you know EXACTLY where to start and how to maintain your space.


Complete the Pre-Project Questionnaire

This will be the starting point before our virtual space walkthrough so we can make the most of our (virtual) time together!


Product Recommendations & Shopping List

Once you’re feeling good about your customized plan, we’ll put together a list of everything you need to buy so that you feel confident that everything you’re purchasing will be put to good use.



Your Investment

$300 per space (remember, this is an organization system personalized to YOU and your specific lifestyle, so this is ideally the FINAL investment you’ll need to make in getting organized!)


 Ready to get organized FOR GOOD?


Pssst…. interested in professional maintenance services?

Contact us directly to discuss your options for organizing maintenance in your home or office! This service is offered for past or current clients only.

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